At Wildflower Collective we use wildflowers to help pollinators, fight climate change and connect people to nature.
Create, Collect, Connect
Wildflower meadows are key to helping nature thrive and to fight against climate change. They can harbour more plant species than tropical rainforests over small areas and capture and store carbon. However, we have lost 97% of our wildflower meadows in living memory.
Landscape-scale wildflower conservation and cultivation is our catalyst for change. By rewilding with wildflowers for people and pollinators we aim to reverse biodiversity declines, mitigate climate change, connect people to nature all while building sustainable business opportunities.

Are you wild about wildflowers?
Join our Wildflower Collective Community by subscribing to our newsletter where we share the latest news, events and tips and tricks about wildflowers and the people and wildlife that rely on them.

Do you want to create more wildflower meadows?
Our Meadow Match project is our dating agency for wildflower meadows. We are matchmaking Donor and Receptor wildflower meadows in Cornwall, Devon and the Isles of Scilly to help create more of these important habitats.
Do you want locally grown wildflower seed?
We sell wildflower seed grown in Cornwall and handmade wildflower seed balls.

Sign up to stay informed with what we’re up to and find out about events and new podcast episodes.

Through our projects and consultancy, we are creating wildflower displays, wildlife-rich meadows and living seed banks to help people and nature thrive.

Through our network of wildflower growers and expert volunteers, we are collecting, growing and harvesting local provenance wildflower seed for habitat regeneration across Cornwall, Devon and the Isles of Scilly.

We are managing relationships between landowners and those interested in nature recovery, pollinator conservation, natural capital and green investment.